sorry about this rubbish video
On Saturday Hyleana and I decided to go out to film some practice shots in Wingerworth. However, for our real thriller I think we are planning to film in Pisley. It was a great day due to the sun shining...until it started to hail and cause us to nearly get pneumonia. There was a high risk of slipping because of the traditional British weather - rain, which left the ground muddy. Which also meant it gave us a good picture opportunity for a footprint.
Even though i was messing around with the spinning shot, It turned out quite well and could be used to show our main character hallucinating.
Obviously we are going to use a bigger tree and longer rope for the tied up scene. But that tree was the only one we could use for the small sized rope we had.
While we did this Rae took some practice shots in Pilsey, which turned out so much better than ours.